Fertility doctors across the country came together to create this message:⁣⁣
⁣⁣We are united in the support of Black lives. Racism is a public health crisis affecting every field, including reproductive medicine. Your fertility doctors across the country are taking a stand.⁣
⁣Racial disparities extend across all aspects of society and health. The field of reproductive medicine is no different. ⁣⁣
⁣⁣Compared to women of other ethnicities, Black women:⁣⁣

  • are 2x more likely to have trouble conceiving⁣⁣
  • are 50% less likely to seek care⁣⁣
  • are more likely to suffer from tubal factor infertility and uterine fibroids⁣⁣
  • have a reduced chance of live birth, even after IVF⁣⁣
  • have the lowest percentage of first trimester prenatal care initiation ⁣⁣
  • have a higher risk of pregnancy complications including preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and placental disorders⁣⁣
  • are 3x more likely to suffer a pregnancy related mortality compared to White women⁣⁣


  1. Howell. Clinic Obset Gynecol. 2018.⁣⁣
  2. Wellons et al. Fert Steril. 2008.⁣⁣
  3. Seifer et al. Fert Steril. 2008.⁣⁣
  4. Maalouf et al. BJOG. 2017.⁣⁣
  5. Marsh et al. Fertil Steril. 2013.⁣⁣

I am proud to be among these incredible physicians:⁣⁣
@myfertilitycare @roohijeelanimd ⁣⁣@dr.lauren.sundheimer ⁣⁣@nataliecrawfordmd ⁣⁣
@emeliacleo⁣⁣ @lynnwestphal ⁣⁣@suneeta.senapati.5 ⁣⁣@drshrutimalik⁣⁣
@dranatebrauer⁣⁣ @meresnook⁣⁣ @drlorashahine⁣⁣ @dremilybarnard ⁣⁣
@ariellebayermd⁣⁣ @drkcain⁣⁣ @peterklatsky⁣⁣ @ivfphoenix⁣⁣ @temekazoremd ⁣⁣
@sabrinagerkowiczmd ⁣@evelynmoklinmd ⁣⁣@dr.jennyhirshfeld⁣⁣ @anukathiresanmd ⁣⁣
@dr.allison.rodgers⁣⁣ @dr.arlenemorales⁣⁣ @meredithprovostmd ⁣⁣@drkarinechung ⁣⁣
@drkateoleary⁣⁣ @drnidheesachdev ⁣⁣@fertilityspecialist_dr.barker⁣⁣ @fancyladydoctor ⁣⁣
@dr.shweta.nayak⁣⁣ @deborah_ikhena_abelmd ⁣⁣@rkudesia⁣⁣ @drmarktrolice⁣⁣
@amyschuttMD ⁣⁣@jsmfertilityllc⁣⁣ @kngoldman⁣⁣ @stephaniegustinmd ⁣⁣
@ashleyeskewmd⁣⁣ @drsheenarippentrop ⁣⁣@drkenanomurtagmd⁣⁣ @thefertilityphysician⁣⁣
@DrSerenaHChen ⁣⁣@gagoivf⁣⁣ @bheggfreezemd⁣⁣ @jovanalekovich.md⁣⁣
@lillidzimm⁣⁣ @jekawwass⁣⁣
Thank you to @drvinaygunnala who conceived and produced this video, with special thanks to @nataliecrawfordMD for uniting our voices.

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